All of Us

All of Us
At I's wedding in July 2019. Back row from left: My oldest D (27) and his wife B (27), My 6th K (16), My 3rd L (23), My 5th T (19), and my 7th A (14). Front row from left: My 9th Z (11), My 10th M (9), Me!, My new son-in-law L (23), My 4th I (22), my love D, My 2nd J (25), and my 8th M (11).

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Vacation is OVER!!

The rest of family vacation went well. A week on the shore of Lake Huron, Georgian Bay in Ontario. Lots of sun and sand and relaxation.

Now we are home and vacation is OVER!

Tonight I'm staying up late to wait up for my sister who is flying in from CO to visit, flight arrives at 11:45pm, she will probably get here more like 1am. Ugh. I love her and want to see her, but that is too late for me!

I am happy--I had a prenatal checkup yesterday, and had to take the 1 hour glucose tolerance test, and passed it. Last pregnancy I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, based on extremely borderline 3 hrs. GTT scores and never really accepted that diagnosis. This time I drank the glucola at home, went for a brisk 20 min. stroll, and then went in for the test. Feels sort of like cheating but my dr. said it was OK. So no silly diet or insulin this time! Yeah! I still have to watch my carbs, and not binge on sugar, but that's OK. I was also found to be low in iron, so need to eat more or take a supplement. I am already eating a lot of red meat, so I may try supplement. I actually felt sort of faint earlier today in the grocery store, so was relieved to learn that there was a reason.

I was hostess of my book club tonight, and only 1 person came! All that getting ready for nothing. Oh well. I hadn't read the book, Lies My Teacher Told Me. It is nonfiction--challenges some of the mainstream revisionist incorrect history most of us were taught in school. I do plan to read it, just didn't have time this month.

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SE Michigan, United States
Mother to 10 fabulous kids, ages 9 to 27 years! Mother-in-law to 2 more awesome young adults! Married for 32 years to my best friend.


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